The girl in the dress.


The girl in the dress. The girl with the most unexplainable style. The girl with the beautiful smile, the shining personality, the girl with the intelligence, with the open friendliness. The girl who can be trusted with anyone and anything, the one who can always have your back. The girl admired by her peers because of her confident sense of self. The one who wears her dignity on her sleeve and does everything with integrity. This is the girl everyone knows. The one who turns heads. This is the girl in the dresses, the skirts, the rocker jeans, the feathers and chain earrings, but also the comfy sweaters and girly rain boots. This is the girl who has everyone. The whole school would mourn at her funeral because she is just so known. Yet, this is the girl who has close to no one. The one who never gets to go to dances. This girl never gets asked out, this girl never gets recognized. This girl is a winner of the genetic lottery. This girl is stunningly gorgeous without her dress. Without the makeup. This is the girl who twirls in a dress everyday in the stairway with a line behind her as she puts away her perfect test scores, but this same girl is always so alone. This is the student who could have been valedictorian, but she never will be. This is a girl who knows priorities. This is a girl who knows suffering, and she knows what’s important. This is a girl who has saved her soul. This is a girl who gave up being the top student in order to trust her life in her faith. This is the girl in the dress who took a chance, she went to the prom with her girlfriends. This is the girl that everyone wants a picture with. This is the girl who never lets her guard down. The one who will never forget the time she gave herself up as a young girl for someone unworthy on one dark and lonely, starless night. This girl has forgiven herself, but she can never get over the one who let her fall for him. Even for just a few short hours. This is the girl who found the sun behind the clouds. She is so confused because she attracts everyone, but yet no one. This is the girl who went to the dance alone. The girl who always stands straight even with her crooked past. This girl hides all her unGodly and ugly secret stories. This is a girl who will never break anyone in fear of punishing anyone with the way she feels. This is a girl who has felt every feeling except love of another. This girl goes to the dance alone. And she spins all night long. This girl in this dress makes a scene for herself. She falls in love with the sight of her classmates enjoying their night together. This is the girl confident enough to be alone even when no one wants her. This is the girl in the dress. The girl in the dress with everyone. The girl in the dress who loves. Loves everyone. The girl in the dress who will be something. Someone. The girl in the dress cried the whole way home. This girl cried the whole way home. The girl in the dress. She cries. She irreplaceable. Shes untouchable. She cant tell you why, but this girl, the one with the dress, knows she’s special. The girl in the dress spun on the dance floor all night long. This girl has been to hell every night. The girl who wears that dress, she has seen the crime, the abuse, the faulty love, the lies and the screaming. She’s seen close to Hell. And yet, then she comes back to earth during the day. The dress she wears is a dream with a million little stars. The girl in the dress is just a little taste of heaven. This girl in the dress is real.